17 de julio de 2010


Today's a special day. Today is Cassandra's birthday. She's now legal on this side of town, living her life like she never did before, drugs, sex, alcohol and rock&roll. Having the time of her life and I'm not there to take care of her. My heart wants to be there for her, i want to hold her, kiss her, make her feel safe, my heart wants to love her like nobody has ever done it before. My heart wants but my pride stops me from, besides its not my call anymore, dear Cassie has a new hubby. To describe him i have to make like a copyright comparison, he's like a modern mix of Ronald McDonald and the Hamburglar with the red hair and a matching car, just this time he could steal what i loved the most. Well enough of him. It's her birthday, Cassie's birthday. I want to be with her but who knows, maybe there are many birthdays to come, i wish to any shooting star or plane that flies through the sky that we can spend another day as hubby and wifey. I hope.
Happy Birthday Cassie!


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